Anti-harassment policy
General Clauses
At RockSolid (trading name of Sisu Climbing SA de CV), we have a responsibility to ensure the growth and sustainability of our Community. Our values should be reflected in the interactions between staff, visitors and any member of it.
In our community we respect the diversity of cultures, opinions and thoughts. Certain offensive behaviors may be considered harassment or discrimination.
Therefore, RockSolid will not tolerate sexual harassment or harassment based on race, disability, or any other reason.
Such conductis strictly prohibited within the RockSolid Community and may result in disciplinary action, including exclusion from the Community and termination of membership or even legal action.
All members, visitors, customers or persons within our facilities are expected. Comply with this anti-harassment policy at all times.
RockSolid prohibits unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. This includes behaviour (i) that the target personperceives as offensive, and/or (ii) that has been rejected by the target person. It should be noted that sexual harassment can lead to criminal prosecution.
Examples of sexual harassment and/or discrimination suchas, but not limited to:
- Inappropriate gestures and behaviors aimed at degrading, humiliating and/or belittling a person
- Unwanted sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors, obscene gestures, sending written messages, sexually explicit, sexually offensive or derogatory images or voice messages, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or offensive nature such as unsolicited comments, jokes, taunts or advances related to sex, in person or in writing
- Repeatedly asking a person to socialize when the person has said they are not interested
- Giving gifts or leaving objects that are or could be perceived as sexually suggestive; Unwanted behavior of a sexual nature. Other forms of harassment (not exhaustive)
The RockSolid Community prohibits other forms of harassment, including, but not limited to, offensive or abusive actions and comments, intimidating actions and comments, disparaging actions and comments, jokes, and insinuations that are intended to create an intimidating, derogatory, or offensive environment, including comments about race, color, gender, national origin, accent, age, mental or physical disability, mental capacity, medical condition, marital status, sexual orientation, or religion.
How to Report a Violation of the Anti-Harassment Policy
This procedure is designed to create a safe and supportive space for anyone who needs to raise a concern or report a violation of this Anti-Harassment Policy. All reports received will be handled by RockSolid staff in coordination with the General Management of Sisu Climbing SA de CV.
Any RockSolid staff member may review complaints, concerns or incidents and bring complaints or concerns raised to the Anti-Harassment Committee through the channels described below. The Committee and the General Management of RockSolid will take all reasonable steps to respect the confidentiality and privacy of all persons involved in the investigation; however, the investigation process may require RockSolid Staff to contact individuals who have engaged in prohibited conduct, as well as witnesses to such conduct.
Reporting channels
Members of the RockSolid Community are encouraged to raise concerns and/or report any violations of the Anti-Harassment Policy through the channel they are most comfortable with. Any member of the Community can file a complaint through the following channels:
Any RockSolid Staff member with whom the person feels comfortable to express their concern or complaint directly and in person.
-RockSolid's email address intended for purposes of this Policy:
Any issues arising through this channel will be dealt with professionally and with complete confidentiality.
Privacy will be respected in the report that is built from a complaint to this email.
It is important to immediately report any allegations of sexual harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct.
ANY Person, victim or witness may report a violation of this Policy.
Retaliation for whistleblowing will not be tolerated.
Retaliation, intimidation, blackmail, or pressure against a Community member who has reported a violation of this Policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include exclusion from the community and termination of membership.
Evaluation and resolution of cases.
The complaint will be sent as soon as possible to the Anti-Harassment Committee constituted by staff and General Management of Sisu Climbing SA de CV. Those who file a complaint are expected to respect the privacy of all parties involved.
Upon receipt of a complaint, the Committee will meet, present the evidence, anonymously if possible, and make a decision on whether the Anti-Harassment Policy may have been violated.
If not: The Committee will advise the parties to resolve the problem in a respectful manner between them.
If yes: The Committee will take a course of action.
Depending on the nature of the incident, the committee may make a formal warning or a direct exclusion from the Community, terminating membership and any other benefits previously granted.
If it is determined that the case may be criminal in nature (sexual assault, physical assault, etc.), the Committee will advise the person who generates the complaint to refer it to the appropriate authorities.
If there is an open criminal investigation, the membership of the person(s) concerned may be suspended.
Formal Warning: If the Committee and General Management do not consider that a violation of the Policy justifies the direct exclusion of the individual from the community, a formal warning to the individual will be generated as the best course of action.
The warning will be issued by RockSolid's General Management and may involve staff members to follow up on the report with the people involved.
Direct exclusion: Forany complaint that results in violation of this Policy of a greater nature, the Committee will recommend the direct exclusion of the individual from the community and the termination of his membership, which will have an immediate effect as soon as such recommendation is approved by the General Directorate of Sisu Climbing SA de CV. There is no compensation for the person denounced.
Important: if your physical integrity and / or health is at imminent risk and / or in case of emergency, call the authorities at 911.
I (full name) ________________________ dated _________________ hereby consciously sign, stating that I am aware of RockSolid's (Sisu Climbing SA de CV) anti-harassment policy.